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Ying Jiang

Boya Distinguished Professor, Peking University

Director, Research Center for Light-Element Advanced Materials

Fellow of the American Physical Society

Distinguished Young Scholars of National Science Foundation of China


International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM), School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China

OfficeWest 568, Physics Building



Personal Homepagehttp://jiang.pku.edu.cn/










Institute of Physics, CAS




Institute of Physics, CAS




Beijing Normal Univ.


Professional Appointments




2018-present Boya Distinguished Professor ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University


Full Professor

ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University


Associate Professor (tenured)

ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University


Associate Professor

ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University


Assistant Professor

ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University


Visiting Professor

University of California, Irvine


Postdoctoral Fellow

University of California, Irvine


Visiting Scholar

Forschungszentrum, Jülich GmbH


Research Areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Chemical Physics
  • Surface Science
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy



  • Scanning tunneling microscopy
  • Atomic force microscopy
  • Ultrafast laser
  • Quantum sensing technology


Ongoing Projects

  • Structure and properties of low-dimensional water/ice
  • Quantum matters and effects under non-equilibrium states
  • Nanoscale quantum sensing and microscopy
  • Nuclear quantum effects of light-element materials


Honors and Awards

  • Xplorer Prize, Tencent Foundation, 2022
  • "The 13th Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological innovation achievement exhibition, Ministry of Science and technology of China, 2021.
  • Achievement in Asia Award (AAA) (Robert T. Poe Prize), OCPA, 2020
  • Zhongguancun Award to Outstanding Young Scientists, Beijing Government, 2020
  • Nishina Asia Award, Nishina Memorial Foundation, 2020
  • Sir Martin Wood China Prize, Oxford Instruments, 2020
  • Young Global Leader, the World Economic Forum, 2020
  • Outstanding Research Award (1st class), Ministry of Education of China, 2019 
  • Fellow, American Physical Society, 2019
  • The leading innovative talent in the science and technology, Central Chinese Government, 2019
  • China-Youth Science and Technology Award, China Association for Science and Technology, 2018
  • Award for Excellent Teaching, Peking University, 2018
  • Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018
  • Distinguished Young Scholars, National Science Foundation of China, 2017
  • Cheung Kong Young Scholar, Ministry of Education of China, 2017
  • Top-ten Science Advances in China, Ministry of Science and technology of China, 2016/2018
  • Award for Supervision of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Peking University, 2016/2021
  • Emerging Leaders, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (IOP), 2016
  • Best oral presentation, “Ge Zhi” Academic Forum for Young Scholars, Peking University, 2014
  • Outstanding Young Scientist, Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, 2012
  • Director Awards for excellent research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007
  • Outstanding Thesis, Beijing Normal University, 2003
  • Excellent Graduate Awards, Beijing Normal University, 2003


Selected Publications

  1. Y. Tian, J. Hong, D. Cao, S. You, Y. Song, B. Cheng, Z. Wang, D. Guan, X. Liu, Z. Zhao, X.-Z. Li, L.-M. Xu, J. Guo*, J. Chen*, E.-G. Wang*, Y. Jiang*, “Visualizing Eigen/Zundel cations and their interconversion in monolayer water on metal surfaces”, Science 377, 315 (2022).
  2. R. Ma, D. Cao, C. Zhu, Y. Tian, J. Peng, J. Guo, J. Chen, X.-Z., Li, J. S. Francisco, X. C. Zeng*, L.-M. Xu*, E.-G. Wang*, Y. Jiang*, “Atomic imaging of edge structure and growth of a two-dimensional hexagonal ice”, Nature 577, 60 (2020).
  3. J. Peng, B. Chen, Z. Wang, J. Guo, B. Wu, S. Hao, Q. Zhang, L. Gu, Q. Zhou, Z. Liu, S. Hong, A. Fu, Z. Shi, H. Xie, D. Cao, C.-J. Lin, G. Fu*, L.-S. Zheng, Y. Jiang*, N. Zheng*, “Surface Coordination Layer Passivates Oxidation of Copper”, Nature 586, 390 (2020).
  4. J. Peng, D. Cao, Z. He, J. Guo, P. Hapala, R. Ma, B. Cheng, J. Chen, W.-J. Xie, X.-Z. Li, P. Jelínek, L.-M. Xu*, Y.-Q. Gao*, E.-G Wang*, Y. Jiang*, "The effect of hydration number on the interfacial transport of sodium ions", Nature 557, 701 (2018)
  5. J. Guo, J.-T. Lü, Y. Feng, J. Chen, J. Peng, Z. Lin, X. Meng, Z. Wang, X.-Z. Li*, E.-G. Wang*, and Y. Jiang*, “Nuclear quantum effects of hydrogen bonds probed by tip-enhanced inelastic electron tunneling”, Science 352, 321 (2016).
  6. Y. Jiang, J. X. Cao, Y. N. Zhang, R. Q. Wu, and W. Ho*, “Real-space imaging of Kondo Screening in a two-dimensional O2 lattice”, Science 333, 324 (2011).
  7. W. Zheng, K. Bian*, X. Chen, Y. Shen, S. Zhang, R. Stöhr, A. Denisenko, J. Wrachtrup, S. Yang*, Y. Jiang*, “Coherence enhancement of solid-state qubits by local manipulation of the electron spin bath”, Nature Physics 18, 1317 (2022).
  8. K. Bian, C. Gerber, A. J. Heinrich, D. J. Müller, S. Scheuring, Y. Jiang*, “Scanning probe microscopy”, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1, 36 (2021).
  9. X. Meng, J. Guo, J. Peng, J. Chen, Z. Wang, J.-R. Shi, X. Z. Li, E. G. Wang*, Y. Jiang*, ”Direct visualization of concerted proton tunneling in a water nanocluster”, Nature Physics 11, 235 (2015).
  10. J. Guo, X. Z. Meng, J. Chen, J. B. Peng, J. M. Sheng, X. Z. Li, L. M. Xu, J. R. Shi, E. G. Wang*, and Y. Jiang*, “Real-space imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution”, Nature Materials 13, 184 (2014).
  11. Y. Jiang, Q. Huan, L. Fabris, G. C. Bazan, and W. Ho*, “Submolecular control, spectroscopy, and imaging of bond-selective chemistry in single molecules”, Nature Chemistry 5, 36 (2013).
  12. K. Bian, W. Zheng, X. Zeng, X. Chen, R. Stöhr, A. Denisenko, S. Yang, J. Wrachtrup*, Y. Jiang*, “Nanoscale electric-field imaging based on a quantum sensor and its charge-state control under ambient condition”, Nature Communications 12, 2457 (2021).
  13. C. Guo, X. Meng, H. Fu, Q. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Tian, J. Peng, R. Ma, Y. Weng, S. Meng*, E.-G. Wang* and Y. Jiang*, “Probing Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Photoexcited Polarons on a Metal-Oxide Surface with Atomic Precision”, Physics Review Letters 124, 206801 (2020).
  14. J. Zhu, Z. Wang, H. Dai, Q. Wang, R. Yang, H. Yu, M. Liao, J. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Wei, N. Li, L. Du, D. Shi, W. Wang, L. Zhang*, Y. Jiang*, and G. Y. Zhang*, "Boundary activated hydrogen evolution reaction on monolayer MoS2", Nature Communications 10, 1348 (2019)
  15. J. Peng, J. Guo, P. Hapala, D. Cao, R. Ma, B. Cheng, L.-M. Xu, M. Ondráček, P. Jelínek*, E.-G. Wang*, and Y. Jiang*, "Weakly perturbative imaging of interfacial water with submolecular resolution by atomic force microscopy", Nature Communications 9, 122 (2018)
  16. J. Chen, J. Guo, X. Z. Meng, J. B. Peng, J. M. Sheng, L. M. Xu, Y. Jiang*, X. Z. Li*, E. G. Wang, “An unconventional bilayer ice structure on a NaCl(001) film”, Nature Communications 5, 4056 (2014).
  17. J. Guo*, Y. Jiang*, “Submolecular Insights into Interfacial Water by Hydrogen-Sensitive Scanning Probe Microscopy”, Accounts of Chemical Research 55, 1680 (2022).
  18. J. Peng*, J. Guo, R. Ma, Y. Jiang*, “Water-solid interfaces probed by high-resolution atomic force microscopy”, Surface Science Reports 77, 100549 (2022).
  19. J. Guo, X.-Z. Li, J. B. Peng, E.-G. Wang*, and Y. Jiang*, "Atomic-scale investigation of nuclear quantum effects of surface water: experiments and theory", Progress in Surface Science 92, 203 (2017).
  20. J. Guo, K. Bian, Z. Lin, and Y. Jiang*, “Perspective: Structure and dynamics of water at surfaces probed by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy”, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 160901 (2016).


Opening Positions

Two to three Ph.D students each year. Post-doctor position is open.