Professor Xiongjun Liu was Awarded “AAA Robert T. Poe Prize”
Jian Wang’s group discovered high-temperature field-free superconducting diode effect in high-Tc cuprates
Jian Wang’s group and collaborators report the discovery of three-dimensional quantum Griffiths singularity in spinel superconducting oxide MgTi2O4
Prof. Ryuichi Shindou’s group reported Topological effect on Anderson Transition in Chiral Symmetry Classes
Prof. Nanlin Wang’s group and collaborators reported non-volatile optical manipulation of polar order at room temperature in a rare charge density wave material
陈钢提出层展的Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless相变和Kugel-Khomskii 模型
Prof. Ying Jiang’s group from Peking University built up a scanning quantum sensing microscope
Prof. Jian Wang’s group and collaborators discovered the emergence and evolution of high-temperature anomalous metal states in FeSe/SrTiO3
Jian Wang’s group and collaborators discovered multi-charge superconductivity
陈钢课题组在《Physics Reports》发表量子磁体热霍尔效应的长篇综述
陈钢课题组与合作者提出“多味莫特绝缘体”并在《NPJ Quantum Materials》发表综述文章
Physical Review X reports Nanlin Wang and collaborators’ work on photoinduced nonequilibrium response of stripe-ordered cuprate La2-xBaxCuO4
Prof. Nanlin Wang's research group and their collaborators report detection of the Higgs mode in high-temperature superconductor and its coupling effect with collective mode in the pseudogap phase
Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators discovered the unconventional superconductivity with broken rotational symmetry in the infinite-layer nickelate superconductor Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 films
Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators discovered the interface superconductivity in topological-kagome-magnet/metal heterostructure
Discovery of a new thermodynamic quasi-localized phase induced by an interplay of disorder and topology
Discovery of pair density wave state in a two-dimensional high-Tc iron-based superconductor
《自然》发表杜瑞瑞课题组和合作团队研究工作: 发现激子拓扑序
Prof. Jian Wang of Peking University was awarded “AAA Robert T. Poe Prize”
Prof. Jian Wang group reports superconducting pairing mechanism of the monolayer Fe(Se,Te) film
王楠林课题组应邀在《Advanced Materials》发表量子材料超快光谱研究进展综述文章
Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators report discrete scale invariance of the quasi-bound states at atomic vacancies in a topological material
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the transport theory of Half-quantized Hall conductance of a semimagnetic topological insulator
Prof. Ying Jiang’s group from Peking University substantially enhances the coherence of solid-state qubits by scanning probe microscopy
Visualizing the protonated water with atomic resolution
Yuan Li, Yingying Peng and collaborators reveal a quantitative relation between paramagnon energy and Tc in cuprate high-temperature superconductors
Jian Wang group and collaborators report orbital-selective high-temperature Cooper pairing developed in the two-dimensional limit
Observation of fractional exclusion statistics in quantum critical matter
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the non-Abelian braiding effect in spin superconductors
ICQM Ryuichi Shindou group proposed dissipationless conversion between magnetic spin and electric charge in emergent superfluid in 2D materials
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the phase transition of a disordered MnBi2Te4 under an external magnetic field
Prof. Ying Jiang was invited by Surface Science Reports to publish a review article on probing interfacial water by AFM
ICQM Wei Han group observed the giant oscillatory Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions
ICQM Wei Han group realized spin triplet superconductivity at 2D vdW ferromagnet/superconductor interface
Jian Wang group and collaborators report equally spaced quantum well states in van der Waals epitaxy-grown nanoislands
Jian Wang group and collaborators report the in-plane quantum Griffiths singularity in two-dimensional crystalline superconductors
Jian Wang group and collaborators report extrinsic and intrinsic anomalous metallic states in transition metal dichalcogenide Ising superconductors
Prof. Ying Jiang and coauthors published a Nature Reviews article on scanning probe microscopy
Prof. Ying Jiang from Peking University successfully developed a scanning quantum sensing microscope and realized nanoscale electric-field imaging
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the disorder-induced phase transitions of an axion insulator and its critical behaviors
NanLin Wang’s group in ICQM at Peking University and their collaborators report the discovery of photoinduced multistage phase of Ta2NiSe5 in Nature Communications
Prof. Ying Jiang was awarded “AAA Robert T. Poe Prize”
Yan Zhang’s group reports the discovery of an exotic metal-insulator transition in a surface-doped transition metal dichalcogenide 2H-MoTe2
ICQM Faculty Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu et al predict the existence of unconventional type-II Nambu-Goldstone bosons with topological origin
Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators detected localized magnetic moments induced by atomic vacancies in transition metal dichalcogenide flakes
国家自然科学基金委员会“高温超导材料与机理研究”基础科学中心项目 举行2020年度总结和学术交流会
Prof. Ying Jiang of Peking University was awarded “Nishina Asia Award”
ICQM Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu’s group and collaborators uncover a class of quasiperiodic mosaic models with exact mobility edges
ICQM Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu’s group published a paper in PRL proposing a unified theory to dynamically characterize Floquet topological phases
ICQM Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu’s group and collaborators publish a paper in PRL on realization and detection of non-ergodic critical phases
Nature Communications reports the experimental progress of Yan Zhang’s group and their collaborators about the band insulator to Mott insulator transition in 1T-TaS2
ICQM Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu’s group and collaborators publish a paper in PRL on quantum simulation for 3D chiral topological phase
国家重点研发计划“量子调控与量子信息”重点专项项目 “自旋超导等新型关联体系的量子态”项目启动会顺利举办
Rare Earth Element Flavors Quantum Kagome Magnet
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the three-dimensional quantum hall effect and a global picture of the edge states in Weyl semimetals
Physical Review Letters 报道了谢心澄研究组及合作者关于外尔半金属中三维量子霍尔效应及其边缘态物理图像的研究
Prof. X. C. Xie and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the non-Abelian braiding of Dirac fermionic modes in topological quantum computation
Physical Review Letter reports the experimental progress of Yan Zhang’s group about the isostructural spin-density-wave and superconducting gap anisotropies in iron-arsenide
Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators detected type-II Ising superconductivity and anomalous metallic state in two-dimensional crystalline superconductors
Science highlighted Jian Wang’s research in Editors' Choice: Discoveries of high-Chern-number and high-temperature Chern insulator states
Ying Jiang and collaborators developed an ultrafast scanning tunneling microscope with Femtosecond-Ångström resolution
New progress in basic research for topological quantum computing: zero-energy bound states in the high-temperature superconductors at two-dimensional limit
Nature Physics reports Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators’ work: Discovery of zero-energy bound states at both ends of a one-dimensional atomic line defect
Physical Review X reports Nanlin Wang and collaborators’ work on Photoinduced Nonequilibrium Response in Underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x
Nature Communications reports Prof. Yuan Li and collaborators’ study of charge density waves to an unprecedented precision
Professor Jian Wang Won 2019 Outstanding Achievement Award for Research in Institutes of Higher Education (Youth Science Award)
Ying Jiang and collaborators report the growth of the thinnest ice sheet in Nature
Mini-Workshop On “Localization, Many-body Physics, and Machine Learning (ML) Applications to Physics Research”
Science reports Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators’ work: The demonstration of quantum metallic state
林熙和谢心澄在Nature Communications发表工作:3/2偶数分母量子霍尔平台的实验观测
Ying Jiang named American Physical Society Fellows for 2019
Nature Materials reports ICQM faculty members Wei Han and Xin-Cheng Xie’s invited review article titled “spin current as a probe of quantum materials”
Prof. Xiong-Jun Liu and collaborators publish a paper in Nature Physics reporting Quantum Simulation of 3D Topological Matter with Ultracold Atoms
量子材料中心刘雄军组及合作者在《Nature Physics》发表超冷原子中三维拓扑能带的表征和观测
Nature Communications reports Jian Wang group and collaborators’ work on the observation of anomalous quantum Griffiths singularity
Physical Review Letters and Nano Letters report Prof. Jian Wang and collaborators’ works on the pairing mechanism of one-unit-cell FeSe/SrTiO3
The 7th International Workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems
Physical Review X报道王楠林课题组在二维拓扑材料MoTe2中发现光激发诱导的亚皮秒时间尺度结构相变
Physical Review X reports Nanlin Wang and collaborators’ experimental progress of light induced sub-picosecond lattice symmetry switch in a two-dimentional topological material MoTe2
Topological Photodetection
Non-saturating Quantum Magnetization in Weyl semimetal TaAs
Workshop of Sino-German Cooperation Group on Emergent Correlated Materials
Physical Review X reports Wei Han’s experimental progress of long-distance magnon transport in 2D van der Waals antiferromagnets
Physical Review Letters reports Prof. Xin-Cheng Xie and collaborators’ important research progress in quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect
Physical Review Letters reports Prof. Yuan Li and collaborators’ study of superconducting mechanism in the iron-based Sr1-xNaxFe2As2 compound
Manipulation and characterization of the topological kink states
Discovery of Log-Periodic Quantum Oscillation: A New Chapter of Quantum Oscillations
Physical Review Letters reports ICQM Faculty Member Wei Han and collaborators’ work on experimental progress of magnetic 2DEG in oxide heterostructures
量子材料科学中心郭静博士论文获得Springer Thesis Award
Announcement of the 2nd Joint PKU-Kyoto-TMS international Workshop
PNAS reports Jian Wang group and collaborators’ work on the observation of non-trivial superconductivity in topological Weyl semimetal MoTe2-xSx crystals
Physical Review Letters reports Prof Qing Lin He et al.’s study on topological transition in topological insulator
Science Advances reports ICQM Faculty members Nanlin Wang and collaborators’ work on uncooled, ultrabroadband photosensitivity from visible to terahertz wavelengths based on 1T-TaS2 CDW system.
Nature Communications reports Prof Qing Lin He et al.’s study on exchange biasing the topological charge using antiferromagnetism
Physical Review Letters and Nature Physics report ICQM member Yuan Li and collaborators’ work on topological magnons in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet
Magic-number water molecules speed up the hydrated ions at interfaces
Science Advances reports ICQM Faculty members Han and Xie’s experimental breakthrough towards spin superconductor
Physical Review X reports Jian Wang group and collaborators’ work on the observation of interface-induced Zeeman-protected superconductivity in ultrathin crystalline lead films
ICQM faculty member Xiong-Jun Liu and the collaborators publish an article in Science Advances reporting a symmetry protected topological quantum state for ultracold atoms
量子材料科学中心何庆林研究员荣获《麻省理工科技评论》中国区“35 岁以下科技创新 35 人”先锋者奖
江颖、王恩哥等在《Progress in Surface Science》上发表水的核量子效应研究综述
Towards non-invasive imaging of interfacial water by AFM
Nano Letters publishes Jian Wang research group and collaborators’ work on the coexistence of Ising superconductivity and quantum Griffiths singularity in macro-size monolayer NbSe2
ICQM Xiong-Jun Liu’s group published a paper in Phys. Rev. Lett. addressing generic theory for non-Abelian Majorana zero modes
“国家重大科学研究计划”青年科学家专题项目: 超导-拓扑绝缘体低维异质结构的制备和物性 课题验收会议圆满结束
Nature Physics reports Shuang Jia and collaborators’work on Magnetic-tunneling-induced Weyl node annihilation in TaP
The 7th ICQs Joint Annual Workshop has been successfully concluded
ICQM Faculty member Xiong-Jun Liu's group published a paper in Phys. Rev. Lett. addressing chiral Majorana modes protected by 2nd Chern numbers
Announcement of the 7th Joint ICQs Annual Workshop
Science Advances reports ICQM faculty member Wei Han group’s work on the inverse Edelstein effect in the Rashba-split 2DEG between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 at room temperature
Physical Review Letters reports Nan-Lin Wang group’s recent progress in collective excitations of charge density wave systems
Kyoto University – Peking University Joint International School, 2017
ICQM Faculty Member Dr. Wei Han Receives the 2016 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Magnetism
ICQM Faculty member Xiong-Jun Liu's group and collaborators publish an article in “Science” about Realization of 2D Spin-orbit Coupling for Bose-Einstein Condensates
The 2nd Peking University & IMPRS Joint Workshop on Condensed Matter Science
Nature Communications reports ICQM faculty member Wei Han group’s work on spin to charge conversion of the topological surface states of SmB6
江颖课题组在Journal of Chemical Physics上发表“展望”文章
Peking University – Rice University Workshop on Strong Correlated and Topological Quantum Materials
ICQM faculty members publishes an article in Physical Review Letters reporting ‘Watching Spin Currents’
US Department of Energy Delegation Visit ICQM
Dr. Xibo Zhang at International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM) wins the Qiu Shi 2016 Outstanding Young Scholar Award
Science publishes a new finding on quantum effects of water
ICQM faculty member publishes an article in Physical Review Letters reporting ‘Chern Kondo Insulator in an Optical Lattice’
ICQM members publish an article in Physical Review Letters reporting "Disorder and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Weyl Semimetals"
Prof. Xincheng Xie was elected as academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015
Physical Review Letters reports the Ji Feng group's recent progresses in quantum phases in oxides
ICQM faculty member Fa Wang publishes an article in Nature Physics reporting ‘Nematicity and Quantum Paramagnetism in FeSe’
ICQM faculty member publishes an article in Physical Review Letters reporting ‘Nematic Crossover in BaFe2As2 under Uniaxial Stress’
Nature Materials reports the observation of potential topological superconductivity in 3D Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 crystals
Science magazine reports the discovery of quantum Griffiths singularity of superconductor-metal transition in Ga thin films
ICQM members publish an article in Physical Review Letters reporting "Magneto-infrared spectroscopy of Landau levels and Zeeman splitting of 3D massless Dirac Fermions in ZrTe5"
University of Chicago-Peking University Joint Workshop on Novel Quantum Matter [Oct. 15-16, 2015]
ICQM members publish an article in Physical Review Letters reporting "The Topological Imbert-Fedorov Shift in Weyl Semimetals"
Prof. Qingfeng Sun is awarded 2015 OCPA AAA-Robert T. Prize
Prof. Rui-Rui Du and his collaborators publish a paper on Physical Review Letters reporting the observation of a helical Luttinger-liquid state
An article in Physical Review X reporting Anisotropic Fermi Surface and Quantum Limit Transport in High Mobility Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2
Jing Guo won the first prize of the nc-AFM 2015 poster competition
2015 ICQM Summer School
ICQM Faculty member publishes an article in Nano Letters reporting dynamical evolution of anisotropic response in black phosphorus under ultrafast photoexcitation
Graduate students in ICQM attended the 2015 Chinese low temperature conference
Dr. Jian Wang at Peking University is awarded 2015 Sir Martin Wood China Prize
ICQM faculty member Wei Han publishes an invited review article of graphene spintronics in Nature Nanotechnology
RICE-PKU Workshop, 2015
Discovery of an Artificial Two Dimensional Superconductor with Graphene-like Structure
Protons in concert
Professor Qing-Feng Sun and Professor Biao Wu were awarded the Changjiang Chair Professorship
北京大学 物理学院 量子材料科学中心 2015年9月入学的博士招生
Jian Wang’s group publishes an article in Nano Letters reporting quantum transport and modulation in topological insulator/normal insulator superlattices
ICAM-China Summer School, 2014
Yanfei Zhao in Jian Wang’s Group won the “OCPA-APS Outstanding Conference Poster Award” (First-place award)
“第四届ICQ系列国际研讨会”在北京大学圆满落幕 (2014-06-03)
Ying Jiang's group discovered an unconventional ice structure, which completely breaks the ice rules.
Science highlighted Jian Wang and Qi-Kun Xue’s research in Editors' Choice: Direct evidence of the thinnest high temperature superconductors
Peering into interfacial water
ICQM member Yuan Li's group publishes an article in Physical Review X reporting direct evidence for an itinerant origin of antiferromagnetism in iron pnictides superconductors
ICQM members Sun and Xie publish an article in Nature Communications on Spin superconductor and its Ginzburg-Landau theory
ICQM member Dong Sun's research group publishes an article in ACS Nano reporting a pioneering study on valley related carrier dynamic in MoS2 monolayer
ICQM member Yuan Li publishes an article in Physical Review Letters resolving a major debate in the high-Tc cuprates
ICQM Member Jian Wang’s research on topological insulators gets the media attention (2013.10.20)
Yanfei Zhao, Jing Guo and Chong Wang in our center won the “outstanding poster award”
Center Member Rui-Rui Du's Work on Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Majorana Fermions Gain International Attention(2013.9.10)
UT-PKU Physics Exchange
Early Admission Scheme: Undergrad Summer Camp 2013
ICQM Summer School 2013 Calls for Registration and Poster Title Submission
Dr. Ying Jiang published an article in Nature Chemistry on single-molecule manipulation.(2012-11-23)
ICQM member Ji Feng publishes report in Nature Communications (2012-06-17)
ICQM Summer School 2012 Calls for Registration and Poster Title Submission (2012-05-04)
Peking University APS March Meeting Reception 2012 (2012-03-07)
Prof. Enge Wang Awards National Natural Science Award (2012-02-20)