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Title Speaker Date Host
从第一性原理出发定量计算真实材料磁电阻与霍尔效应 吴泉生
2024-12-25 宋志达
含噪声量子动力学的几何图像及应用于动态量子纠错 邓修豪
2024-12-24 吴飙
Exotic emergences in low-dimensional quantum Ising models 吴建达
2024-12-20 陈钢
Realizing topological quantum magnets with atomic spins on surfaces 杨锴
2024-12-18 陈一
Where the current flows in a Chern insulator Prof. Roderich Moessner
2024-12-14 陈钢
Origin of chirality in the charge density wave semimetal 1T-TiSe2 Bumjoon Kim
2024-12-12 彭莹莹
非弹性中子散射技术及其在量子材料研究中的应用 鲁兴业 2024-12-11 彭莹莹
Superconductivity in Thin-film Infinite-layer Nickelates and Beyond Danfeng Li
2024-12-04 彭莹莹
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of Majorana zero modes in a Kitaev spin liquid Rodrigo Pereira
2024-12-03 陈钢
The nature of Nature Communications Dr. Samuel Bladwell
2024-11-29 陈剑豪
二维反铁磁拓扑绝缘体中的量子几何特性 高安远 2024-11-28 贾爽 gwljiashuang@pku.edu.cn
Decouple electron and phonon transport for high-performance thermoelectrics Jiaqing He 何佳清
2024-11-27 高鹏
Engineering topological insulators for phase transitions & device applications Qing Lin He
2024-11-22 王楠林
Mid-infrared Detection and Spectroscopy with 2D Materials Wang Qijie
2024-11-22 孙栋
Recent Progresses on 2D Charge-Transferonics Zheng Vitto Han
2024-11-20 陈剑豪
磁电耦合新概念:变铁性与磁电拓扑 董帅
2024-11-13 陈钢
拓扑晶体绝缘体超导电性及多重Majorana零能模的探测 李耀义
2024-11-07 刘雄军
非中心对称超导新材料探索与超导物性研究 郭艳峰
2024-11-06 陈剑豪
Thermal Hall effect in two-dimensional magnets Jung Hoon Han
2024-10-30 王健
Four-circle single-crystal X-ray diffractometry of functional materials Semën Gorfman 2024-10-30 彭莹莹
From Chiral Electronics to Mottness in Momentum-Space Dr. Niels B.M. Schröter
2024-10-25 黄华卿 huanghq07@pku.edu.cn 张焱 yzhang85@pku.edu.cn
Pseudogap and pairing: shot noise reveals pseudogap as pairing energy in a cuprate superconductor Jiasen Niu
2024-10-24 林熙
Multi-fermion-clustering Physics Congjun Wu
2024-10-23 王健
Linear combination of Hamiltonian simulation for non-unitary dynamics with optimal state preparation cost 刘锦鹏
2024-10-18 陈昱安
Nonabelian Anyon Condensation in 2+1d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization Yidun Wan
2024-10-16 陈昱安
Noninvertible Gauge Symmetry in (2+1)d Topological Orders: A String-Net Model Realization 赵雨
2024-10-16 陈昱安
强磁场极端条件下的输运研究 朱增伟
2024-10-09 贾爽
Altermagnet? Novel properties from the crystal-symmetry-paired spin-valley locking Junwei Liu
2024-10-08 陈剑豪 chenjianhao@pku.edu.cn
冷原子干涉引力精密测量 胡忠坤
2024-09-25 刘雄军
Fractional Topological Phases in Twisted Bilayer MoTe2 王冲 2024-09-18 施均仁
Quantum Spin Liquid as incompressible liquid of electrons Yi Zhou
2024-09-11 陈钢