About ICQM
ICQM was founded on January 1st, 2010.
Objects of the Center: Bringing in internationally renowned scientists as well as excellent young researchers, and Creating an ideal platform to enable them to work together productively.
Areas of research: Condensed Matter Physics, Material Physics, AMO Physics, etc.
- Professor Xiongjun Liu was Awarded “AAA Robert T. Poe Prize”
- Jian Wang’s group discovered high-temperature field-free superconducting diode effect in high-Tc cuprates
- 国家自然科学基金委基础科学中心项目——"高温超导材料与机理研究"延续资助项目启动会在北京召开
- 陈钢课题组和合作者提出调控手性拓扑声子的新方法
- 第一届演生量子物质动力学研讨会在北京大学圆满落幕
- 陈剑豪课题组与合作者在二维材料异质结非易失态的磁电协同控制研究中取得进展
- Jian Wang’s group and collaborators report the discovery of three-dimensional quantum Griffiths singularity in spinel superconducting oxide MgTi2O4
- Prof. Ryuichi Shindou’s group reported Topological effect on Anderson Transition in Chiral Symmetry Classes
- Prof. Nanlin Wang’s group and collaborators reported non-volatile optical manipulation of polar order at room temperature in a rare charge density wave material
- 关于量子材料科学中心领导班子任免的通知
Theory of charge-6e superconducting state in Kagome lattice superconductors
Discovery of a p-wave magnet with a giant anomalous Hall susceptibility
Max Hirschberger
Phase Diagram and Spectroscopic Signatures of Supersolids in Quantum Ising Magnet K2Co(SeO3)2
Tong Chen